
Question and answer ( from 16 to 20)

16, When was spotify founded?
Answer : It was founded in 2006
①Wikipedia < https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spotify >
②Crunch Base <https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/spotify>

17, How many users on users are there?
Answer:  “We had an amazing 2014 at Spotify and owe it all to you, the music fans who listen, discover, share and celebrate music and artists with us every day of the year,” Spotify says. “And before 2014 turned into 2015, we reached 15 million subscribers and 60 million active users!”

①Aldrin Calimlim January 12, 2015: App Advice < http://appadvice.com/appnn/2015/01/spotify-welcomes-2015-with-15-million-paying-subscribers >
 ②Ingrid Lunden on Jan 12, 2015: TC: "Now Has 15M playing users ,60M Over All Active Subscriber <http://techcrunch.com/2015/01/12/spotify-now-has-15m-paying-users-60m-overall/ >

18, If you are artist , will you permit people listen to your music on streaming service?
I will not permit. If I can sell my music at the same price as shop or  iTunes, I want to permit. It is difficult to get money by contributing music to streaming service. I heard that it takes 300 downloads to buy a cup of coffee. I will not be satisfied with royalty late.
Some artist, for example Taylor Swift,  complain about system of streaming service. Taylor posted her opinion on tumbler. She thinks three months trial for free is so long, and it is unfair to ask someone to work for nothing. She worries about indie band that does not have enough money to continue their music activity. So she thinks all users on streaming services should pay money.
Thom Yorke also complain about the system of streaming. 

①"to apple, to love Taylor" on tumbler < http://taylorswift.tumblr.com/post/122071902085/to-apple-love-taylor >
②STUART DREDGE, THE GUARDIAN OCT 7 2013, 10:03 PM " Thom Yorke Explains Why He Hates Spotify"

19, Which will be mainstream in future CD or streaming service?
I think CD will be mainstream, because when we buy a CD, sometimes we can get some benefits, for example ticket that allows you to participate shake hands event. That arouse fans to buy CD.
One of the member of Japanese famous band thinks that to buy CD with some benefits is efficient way to let people get interested in CD.
J cast < http://www.j-cast.com/tv/2014/07/08209841.htm  >

20, When free download became illegal in Japan?
It became illegal on October. 1, 2010
政府広報ライン< http://www.gov-online.go.jp/useful/article/200908/2.html >

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