Question8, According to the statistics from Recording Industry Association of Japan, 18.4 % of people only rent CDs from rental shops like TSUTAYA. The percentage of people who use only streaming service is 3.1%. What is the difference between streaming services and renting CDs? Cost? Convenience?
Answer: I don't know what's the differences exactly, but it has a limit for renting store to collect all musicians' CDs which isn't known well by Japanese people.
<>"返却ごも使い続けられるレンタルCDの特異性”Web, July, 23rd, 2015
This site shows features of rental CD shop.
<>"2011年度音楽メディアユーザー実態調査" Web, July, 23rd,2015
This data shows the situation on music business in 2011. On page 7, it shows how many people use rental store and buy CDs and more.
Question9, By 2013, less and less people buy CDs, and the production rate decreased. However, in 2014, more and more people reportedly buy CDs again. What makes people do so?
Answer: I think many people buy CDs to get special benefit.
<> "特典付 CD 大量購入の行方" Web, July, 23rd, 2015
This is a report which sunset corporation conducted. This shows that how CD shop sale CD efficiently.
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