
Question and Answer from 10 to 15

10, What do you think should record companies do to sale more CDs?
 -------I think the recording company should focus on people who are fifteen and sixteen, because they feel it is difficult for them to buy and download using electronic device.
<http://www.garbagenews.net/archives/1285046.html> "やはり高齢者は携帯が苦手?”
Web, July, 23rd, 2015

11, There are many people who use streaming services in a wrong way. Should we punish them strictly? 
 ------Yes, we should, because people who create and perform music make living. They should be evaluated correctly.

12, Why did people come not to buy CDs? because of the price, quality of sound, or inconvenience?
 ------ i think that inconvenience is the best appropriate reason. More and more  people don't want to go to the CD shop. 13, Is it difficult for you to download music or video from the Internet?
---------not so difficult.
14, Why do musicians think that streaming services are not good?
 -------Because they can't get enough money when their songs are contributed for free.
15, These days, CDs and records are getting popular especially among young people. What makes people get interested in them again?
-------CDs' design or their jacket are really fascinating. this is the reason for it, i think.

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