
Feed back

I am truly sorry for late for posting.

good point
We  gave a presentation in a loud voice.
Points are clear and organized.
Our mission statements and goals were very specific and easy to understand.
The topic was very attractive and since up to date problem, it made someone in a class think deeply about streaming services.

bad point 
Some one wonder how to protect CD, because we only focus on streaming service. I realized that if we support streaming services and it will become mainstream, the decreasing of sales of CD will get more acute. We should have care about CD to make whole of music industry satisfy. 

Question and Answer from 10 to 15

10, What do you think should record companies do to sale more CDs?
 -------I think the recording company should focus on people who are fifteen and sixteen, because they feel it is difficult for them to buy and download using electronic device.
<http://www.garbagenews.net/archives/1285046.html> "やはり高齢者は携帯が苦手?”
Web, July, 23rd, 2015

11, There are many people who use streaming services in a wrong way. Should we punish them strictly? 
 ------Yes, we should, because people who create and perform music make living. They should be evaluated correctly.

12, Why did people come not to buy CDs? because of the price, quality of sound, or inconvenience?
 ------ i think that inconvenience is the best appropriate reason. More and more  people don't want to go to the CD shop. 13, Is it difficult for you to download music or video from the Internet?
---------not so difficult.
14, Why do musicians think that streaming services are not good?
 -------Because they can't get enough money when their songs are contributed for free.
15, These days, CDs and records are getting popular especially among young people. What makes people get interested in them again?
-------CDs' design or their jacket are really fascinating. this is the reason for it, i think.

Survey Summary

At first I would like to show my deepest gratitude. I am grateful for all of your support. Thanks to your kindness and cooperation, I can gather more than 40 answers and prepare for presentation.

I was surprised at the number of people who know about streaming services. About 80 percent of people have heard about streaming service and almost all of people use You Tube in daily life. I realized again that You Tube is popular.  You Tube makes us possible to access easily  to music video and live video. We don't mention about You Tube in NGO's presentation, but You Tube causes some problems. Apps that allow you to download video on You Tube for free has been one of the target that artist hate. Needless to say, this is illegal. In order to let every people be willing to use You Tub, we should take some steps.

I asked whether cost is important or not, when you buy music. 6 percent of people answered cost is very important, and more than 60 percent of people answered cost is important. I learned from these answers why streaming services are getting popular gradually on a global scale. People want to get music at a low cost. I thought that cost is not important so much, because music is more valuable than money.

People demand ans use streaming services more than I expected before searching streaming services. I think demand will cause more serious problem, because company of streaming services try to offer their service to make users happy without complying with artist's demand.


Question and Answer for 8 and 9

Question8, According to the statistics from Recording Industry Association of Japan, 18.4 % of people only rent CDs from    rental shops like TSUTAYA. The percentage of people who use only streaming service is 3.1%. What is the  difference between streaming services and renting CDs? Cost? Convenience? 

Answer: I don't know what's the differences exactly, but it has a limit for renting store to collect all musicians' CDs which isn't known well by Japanese people.

<http://blogs.itmedia.co.jp/mohno/2012/02/cd-7eee.html>"返却ごも使い続けられるレンタルCDの特異性”Web, July, 23rd, 2015
 This site shows features of rental CD shop.

<https://www.riaj.or.jp/report/mediauser/pdf/softuser2011.pdf>"2011年度音楽メディアユーザー実態調査" Web, July, 23rd,2015
This data shows the situation on music business in 2011. On page 7, it shows how many people use rental store and buy CDs and more.

Question9, By 2013, less and less people buy CDs, and the production rate decreased. However, in 2014, more and more  people reportedly buy CDs again. What makes people do so?
Answer: I think many people buy CDs to get special benefit. 
<http://www.sunset-co.jp/pdf/120523news.pdf> "特典付 CD 大量購入の行方" Web, July, 23rd, 2015
This is a report which sunset corporation conducted. This shows that how CD shop sale CD efficiently.

Question and answer (from 26 to 30)

26,Do you know the app that allows you to listen to music for free ? Do you use?
There are many apps that allows you to listen  to music for free. The google players offer some 250 apps for downloading MP3 files to smart phones and tablets powered by its Android software. Google has been target for complaining from music industry. I think google should take some steps.  If google will regret, problem will become more serious.

record < http://recode.net/2014/03/24/music-piracy-goes-mobile/ >
On Mar 13, 2012, in Apple, by lucaboschin < http://blog.fighissimo.com/?p=120 >

27, How much money users on streaming service pay for a monthly plan, will artist be satisfied?
It depends on artist. Taylor thinks that free trial is unfair for artist's working.  Thom Yourke is not satisfied with small rate. He said, "Spotify offers a limited free streaming service, and an unlimited service at tiers of £5 and £10 a month. But some artists have complained that it is less effective for them to make music available there than to sells CDs and digital downloads because the per-stream payments are comparatively tiny."
the guardian <http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2013/jul/15/thom-yorke-spotify-twitter>
tumbler <http://taylorswift.tumblr.com/post/122071902085/to-apple-love-taylor>

28, What percentage of revenue from streaming services artist can get?
Spotify pays royalties for all of the listening that occurs on our service by distributing nearly 70% of all the revenues that we receive back to rights holders. Spotify contributes to music business by giving 70 percent rate. The rate is same as Apple's streaming services. Apple's revenue split is only a few percentage points more than the industry average of 70 percent, which Spotify also says it pays.
spotify <http://www.spotifyartists.com/spotify-explained/>
business insider<http://www.slate.com/blogs/business_insider/2015/06/16/apple_royalties_apple_music_will_pay_more_than_70_percent_of_monthly_fee.html>

29, How many streaming services are there?
There are 15 famous streaming services.
tune core <http://www.tunecore.co.jp/blog/20>

30, How long copyright will be protected?

For works published after 1977, the copyright lasts for the life of the author plus 70 years. However, if the work is a work for hire (that is, the work is done in the course of employment or has been specifically commissioned) or is published anonymously or under a pseudonym, the copyright lasts between 95 and 120 years, depending on the date the work is published.
All works published in the United States before 1923 are in the public domain. Works published after 1922, but before 1978 are protected for 95 years from the date of publication. If the work was created, but not published, before 1978, the copyright lasts for the life of the author plus 70 years. However, even if the author died over 70 years ago, the copyright in an unpublished work lasts until December 31, 2002. And if such a work is published before December 31, 2002, the copyright will last until December 31, 2047.
copyright basics < http://fairuse.stanford.edu/overview/faqs/copyright-basics/ >
NOLO < http://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/copyright-basics-faq-29079-4.html >

Question and answer (from 21 to 25)

21, How much the total financial damage of illegal site to artist is in a year in Japan?
Association of Japanese record assumed that financial damage in 2010 sum up to about seven hundred million yen. This amount of damage is eight times larger than the amount of sales in a legal way. I was shocked at this statistics. It was natural for someone to rise up against illegal download.  
①一般社団法人日本レコード協会< http://www.riaj.or.jp/release/2011/pr110309.html  >
②セラミックロケッツ<http://defr4gment.blogspot.jp/2013/03/6683.html  >

22, What benefit  is needed to get interested in CD?
Tickets that allows people to vote for a girl on AKB general election who they give their support to is good for making more profit . This benefit and election is so topical in Japan. This benefit arouse fans to get interested in CD, because they want to vote for a girl they support to.

J cast<http://www.j-cast.com/tv/2014/07/08209841.html> >

23, We often see a video on YouTube has been deleted. What is boundary between remained video and deleted video?

A difference between remained video and deleted one is whether posters invade copyright or not. If artists or label record that artist belongs to admit or create account and post by themselves, this video will be remained. I fear that one day streaming services offer music without confirming artist and label record's will.

Copyright center on You Tube <http://youtube.com/yt/copyright/  >
You Tube Help < https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2802168?hl=en-uk&rd=1 >

24, When was a heyday of CD?
That was in around 2000 year. Sales of CD has been decreasing for the past several years. We can see this tendency in US. CD suffer a sharp drop in popularity on a global scale.
Garbage news. com<http://www.garbagenews.net/archives/2042380.html>
The wall street journal<http://blogs.wsj.com/numbers/albums-suffer-as-cd-sales-decline-1569/>

25, Have you ever downloaded music illegally?
I have never done, and I hope you too. This site shows how serious this problem is.
①一般社団法人日本レコード協会< http://www.riaj.or.jp/release/2011/pr110309.html  >
②セラミックロケッツ<http://defr4gment.blogspot.jp/2013/03/6683.html  >

Question and answer ( from 16 to 20)

16, When was spotify founded?
Answer : It was founded in 2006
①Wikipedia < https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spotify >
②Crunch Base <https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/spotify>

17, How many users on users are there?
Answer:  “We had an amazing 2014 at Spotify and owe it all to you, the music fans who listen, discover, share and celebrate music and artists with us every day of the year,” Spotify says. “And before 2014 turned into 2015, we reached 15 million subscribers and 60 million active users!”

①Aldrin Calimlim January 12, 2015: App Advice < http://appadvice.com/appnn/2015/01/spotify-welcomes-2015-with-15-million-paying-subscribers >
 ②Ingrid Lunden on Jan 12, 2015: TC: "Now Has 15M playing users ,60M Over All Active Subscriber <http://techcrunch.com/2015/01/12/spotify-now-has-15m-paying-users-60m-overall/ >

18, If you are artist , will you permit people listen to your music on streaming service?
I will not permit. If I can sell my music at the same price as shop or  iTunes, I want to permit. It is difficult to get money by contributing music to streaming service. I heard that it takes 300 downloads to buy a cup of coffee. I will not be satisfied with royalty late.
Some artist, for example Taylor Swift,  complain about system of streaming service. Taylor posted her opinion on tumbler. She thinks three months trial for free is so long, and it is unfair to ask someone to work for nothing. She worries about indie band that does not have enough money to continue their music activity. So she thinks all users on streaming services should pay money.
Thom Yorke also complain about the system of streaming. 

①"to apple, to love Taylor" on tumbler < http://taylorswift.tumblr.com/post/122071902085/to-apple-love-taylor >
②STUART DREDGE, THE GUARDIAN OCT 7 2013, 10:03 PM " Thom Yorke Explains Why He Hates Spotify"

19, Which will be mainstream in future CD or streaming service?
I think CD will be mainstream, because when we buy a CD, sometimes we can get some benefits, for example ticket that allows you to participate shake hands event. That arouse fans to buy CD.
One of the member of Japanese famous band thinks that to buy CD with some benefits is efficient way to let people get interested in CD.
J cast < http://www.j-cast.com/tv/2014/07/08209841.htm  >

20, When free download became illegal in Japan?
It became illegal on October. 1, 2010
政府広報ライン< http://www.gov-online.go.jp/useful/article/200908/2.html >